
Sunday, November 10, 2013

What is a Pilgrim?

This is the question I am asking my students. What constitutes a Pilgrim? I created this unit incorporating the book Molly's Pilgrim along with four other texts, which deal with the same theme of immigration. Each book takes coming to America from a different part of the world and delves into the fact that people emigrated to America for a better way of life. Whether it was for religious reasons as the Pilgrims or for security and safety

I broke Molly's Pilgrim into three sections and created comprehension questions for it as well as the other four books. I also created graphic organizers to compare and contrast the similarities as well as differences in the texts. I am also having my students create a Heritage doll using a clothespin, which will be a take home project. Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Literature Unit