
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Do you really know your Social Studies and Science Standards?

If you are a teacher in Florida then you must ask yourself this question: Do you truly know what the Science and Social Studies Standards are for your grade level? We thought that we did until a grade level planning session sparked a whole new conversation and realization. We discovered that as we worked to combine our Science and Social Studies Standards with the ELA Common Core Standards that there was a great deal of crossing over between grade levels. In other words, as we worked to stretch out our units and meet the needs of our students we ended up not only teaching our standards but those of other grade levels as well. After realizing this blunder we were asked by our school to create a outline of the Social and Science Standards for our state, in a comparison like format for kindergarten through fifth grade, and then present it to our school faculty. This process was very eye opening for everyone involved and we felt that we needed to share this document with all of the Florida Elementary Educators. It is for sure a tool that we wished we had either been given or thought to create sooner. So if you would like a copy then grab ours (its free!) from our TPT Store and see for yourself if you might have been crossing over into other grade level standards too!