
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Snow Days in Florida?

I know most of the country has been facing severe weather situations, but when the Florida Panhandle gets to 28 degrees, everything shuts down. Our district closed for three days last week due to the frigid temperatures. Now I know frigid is all relative, but you have to understand, this is Florida. We do hurricanes, we don't do ice and snow! We don't have the necessary equipment in place to de-ice bridges, so with all that being said, we had three "snow days" and I was able to get a unit completed that I had been working on for some time.

We all know that repetition is the key in getting some of the skills our students learn firmly planted in their brains. I created a pre -FCAT ( Florida's state test)  review for my third graders that is a repetitive worksheet based on the major math concepts. I had already taught multiplication, division, place value, fractions, and touched bases thus far with geometry, measurement and time. What I came up with is just that, a review sheet that I give out weekly to keep all those skills we had already learned and ones that I would be covering more extensively in the next month or so on the forefront of their brains. Check it out!

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